Learn about me, real estate, embroidery, travel, negotiating and most of all and more importantly my journey and my study of the Bible and Jesus presence in my life.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just because they cancelled BSF...

Ok for the second week in a row BSF (Bible study fellowship) has been cancelled. We are studying Isaiah this year. Its funny Isaiah is all about relying on God, believing in the unseen woe to unbelievers and rest for those who believe. Its funny because when you are pulled away from your weekly fellowship and accountability how easy is it NOT BE IN FELLOWSHIP??? I have had extra days this last two weeks because of Snow Days etc that I could have done so much extra in depth study but did I??? NOOOOO...I did not but wait...worship is not just study of the bible. I got to spend some great moments with my family, with my friends, I got on my knees more than 4 times for someone who called or said they needed prayer. I prayed for my boys each time they went out in the ice to get me a diet coke and firewood. My sweet son took his little sister on wildlife adventures and my precious teenage girl curled up and napped with me late in the morning. I love you ... buuutt I *shaking head back and forth* don't like you all deee time. This is our motto right now me and Sis. She and I worked on pictures together and took some great stuff too...see couch picture below. Snow days provided great days of worship so my children could see who we rely on...when nobody is lookin.


Anonymous said...

Whats up!!! lol just found this on facebook... not creepin at all haha. lovin the laundry stuff you got me for christmas haha makin my clothes smell good

Love ya, Kyle

Tracey Clifton said...

Yay!! But you are washing them right??? not just using the sheets to make em smell better? I hope you are good take care of yourself PLEASE!!!